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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I report an issue with a street light? light?


Although the Town of Santa Claus pays for the street light service, the maintenance of street lights and poles are the responsibility of CenterPoint Energy. Any lights that have gone out or lights or poles in need of any maintenance should be reported directly to:


CenterPoint:, or by phone to 1.800.227.1376


 or Santa Claus Utilities Department at 812.544.2354.





What is the process for improving my property by adding a building, deck, garage, etc. ?


To ensure you can complete an improvement project without hassle or delay, it's important that you understand the ordinances and rules that pertain to your particular project. For example, the Town of Santa Claus has ordinances that govern certain building activity, so does Christmas Lake Village. If you live in Holiday Village, the rules may be different. 


A good "first step" is to familiarize yourself with the town ordinances and check with your local HOA group. You may also call the Town Office and they can help direct you as well. 







When and how can I attend a Town meeting ?


Town meetings are public, so you are invited to attend as you wish. Under normal conditions, meetings are held at the Town Hall. Check the calendar, from the menu above, for a schedule.





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